Approximating GitHub Language Colours in iTerm-256 Colour Terminal
When I first made
, as a good exercise to teach me programming, I went through GitHub and manually tried to match colours.
Today, I ported a script to convert RGB tuples to iTerm-256 approximations into Julia.
With a quick Julia command call, you can actually take the information you need from this:
LANG_WANTED="input lang here"; curl > languages.yml; julia -E 'import Pkg; Pkg.add.(["YAML", "OrderedCollections", "Colors"]); using YAML; include("$(homedir())/projects/scripts/python/rgb2iterm256.jl"); f = YAML.load_file("languages.yml"); for k in keys(f); col = get(f[k], "color", ""); if !isempty(col); print(k, ":\t\t"); main(col); end; end'; rm languages.yml | grep -i "$LANG_WANTED"
This simply parses a language script, and prints their iTerm-256 colour code. This really helps when you want to do something like
or ls.c
, where it prints certain extensions in different colours. Of course, this is all just for aesthetics, and for a bit of fun. But it's always fun porting things to Julia! Go well.