Approximating GitHub Language Colours in iTerm-256 Colour Terminal

When I first made, as a good exercise to teach me programming, I went through GitHub and manually tried to match colours.

Today, I ported a script to convert RGB tuples to iTerm-256 approximations into Julia.

With a quick Julia command call, you can actually take the information you need from this:

LANG_WANTED="input lang here"; curl > languages.yml; julia -E 'import Pkg; Pkg.add.(["YAML", "OrderedCollections", "Colors"]); using YAML; include("$(homedir())/projects/scripts/python/rgb2iterm256.jl"); f = YAML.load_file("languages.yml"); for k in keys(f); col = get(f[k], "color", ""); if !isempty(col); print(k, ":\t\t"); main(col); end; end'; rm languages.yml | grep -i "$LANG_WANTED"

This simply parses a language script, and prints their iTerm-256 colour code. This really helps when you want to do something like or ls.c, where it prints certain extensions in different colours. Of course, this is all just for aesthetics, and for a bit of fun. But it's always fun porting things to Julia! Go well.
